I know this might be feeling a little too soon, but shopping for the perfect pieces takes time. I also realize these posts are very, the story before the recipe so if it is not for you, head over to my instagram for the short version.
I am a Christmas enthusiast.
As a kid I would bother my parents about decorating the house until they ultimately gave me free rein over the decor, often switching up where it goes or putting the lights on the house by myself. The feeling, the lights and the smells all come to mind when I think of the magic of decorating for the holidays.
Coming from a big family, who had many Christmas traditions - from the annual north side power outages (shoutout Beaumaris) on Christmas Eve to dart gun fights on Christmas Day while we waited for the meal to be served, one thing we always did together was decorate my Grandmas tree. Her tree was covered in eclectic decor, decorations from her first Christmas tree, her travels, and from us grandkids. Each and every item sentimental, even as its condition degraded year after year. (A beloved one-legged Santa stands out). I've used this methodology when planning my own home and holiday decor. I decorate using heirloom items not trendy pieces, the same things go up in my home year after year. I purchase items that I know I will have for years to come. Which brings me to my local Holiday Home Decor Gift Guide!
I wanted to share with you some local business that carry the most beautiful, thoughtful home decor items, that you will be able to incorporate into your space for years to come. These small business plan all year for the holidays and never know if they will be rewarded for all their hardwork. Some items sell out and can't be restocked and other items hit the clearance shelf later in the month. I will be sharing specific links early so that hopefully you can thoughtfully plan some of your purchases and support local businesses over the big retailer impulse buys you might make once the bulk items start hitting the shelves.
As I started to write this and reflect on all the amazing local businesses, I realized each and every one of these businesses deserves their own post. So stay tuned as I highlight all my favourite local home decor shops over the next few weeks.
And if you made it this far, holiday candles are now live on the site.